Brigitte Heidebrecht
tanzen querbeet  



About Myself












Brigitte Heidebrecht >deutsch

Long years of experience as a dance pedagogue:

• I began by teaching African Dance. My most important teacher was Mustafa Tettey Addy from Ghana.

• Later I became more and more fascinated by group dance traditions in Europe and Middle East. I danced with Dimitris Barbaroussis, Babis Almpantis, Petros Selkos (Greek Dance), Akis Leontiadis, Nikos Zournatzidis, Jannis Korosidis (Pontic Greek Dance), Gergana Panova, Belčo Stanev, Irena Staneva (Bulgarian Dance), Silviu Ciuciumis, Theodor Vasilescu (Romanian Dance), Joška Basilkovski, Paul Mulders (Makedonian Dance), Genci Kastrati, Helga Saraçi (Albanian Dance), Michael Ginsburg, Yves Moreau, Stephen Kotansky (Balkan Dance), Šani Rifati, Helene Eriksen (Roma Dance), Friedel Kloke-Eibl, Nanni Kloke (Meditative Dance), Corina Oosterveen (Dances of Brittany), Ruth Allmayer (English Dance), Ya’akov Levi (Israelian Dance), Steven Weintraub (Klezmer Dance), Hennie Konings (Russian Dance), Aykut and Yesim Dalgic (Turkish Dance), Tineke van Geel, Eddy Djololian (Armenian Dance), Wael Khalaf (Syrian Dance), Nasir Mangal (Afghan Dances) and others.

• Dance classes and workshops, dance animation at private and public events, dance seminars for teachers
(focussing on dance animation, dance notation and methods for teaching dance), organization of dance parties with live music.

• Regular travel into countries where people dance in circles, from Brittany to Armenia, with a special interest in Balkan countries.

• When I was young, I earned my living as a school teacher, later as a book publisher and highschool teacher,
now as a consultant (coaching, conflict management, team development >
